"Promoting conservation in Zambia through education that stimulates and supports the development of young conservationists and emerging eco-warriors."
Birds in Zambia face a wide range of threats, most of which are human-induced. The major threats that birds face include; Habitat loss, pollution, illegal killings, lack of knowledge, Human-wildlife conflict, and invasive species among others. Birdwatch Zambia provides a home for those interested in learning about and protecting Zambia’s bird life.
We aim to make positive changes to nature and society by making sure that:
Tree planting in schools
Education and awareness talks in schools
Environmental Education and Awareness
The role of Environmental Education (EE) in schools is to impart fundamental knowledge about the natural environment and to build practical skills on how to study it, among students at all levels. Ultimately, the goal of all of our EE programs is to promote positive and lasting action that will enhance and ensure the conservation of Zambia's exceptionally rich avifauna by working in close collaboration with key stakeholders. In addition to being a focal unit for environmental awareness among school and college students, BWZ also engages local communities in a number of practical conservation activities, including studying and promoting solutions to local environmental issues.
Inspiring and equipping young ecowarriors
BirdWatch Zambia’s environmental education and awareness work is supported by the Elephant Charge, and the Spring Alive Initiative and focuses on selected sites in Zambia, which includes 42 Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) and 9 Vulture Safe Zones (VSZs) where we collaborate closely with community members and other stakeholders with an aim to conserve birds and their habitats at large. Through various platforms such as radio, Television, face-to-face meetings and educational talks in schools, the organization has been able to raise awareness of the need to protect avifauna and their habitats in Zambia. This gives communities an opportunity to understand the risks they face and get involved in response actions.
BirdWatch Zambia does not only educate community members about the importance of birds, but it also encourages conservation initiatives that do not harm the environment. Currently, BWZ is directly engaging over 45 schools and surrounding communities in and around 42 Zambia’s KBAs/IBAs and 9 Vulture Safe Zones (VSZs) in Zambia. The organization conducts environmental education activities in schools, provides the schools with educational materials to facilitate the smooth running of the established nature clubs, and also conducts community talks on bird and habitat conservation. Find out more here
Site Support Groups (SSGs)
Site Support Groups (SSGs) are described as ‘groups or individuals’ who in partnership with relevant stakeholders work with Birdlife partner organizations to help promote conservation and sustainable development at IBAs, members are usually volunteers and typically drawn from the local community but may also include local authority representatives, businesspersons or other stakeholders.
The volunteers despite varied backgrounds, ages, occupations and gender, have similar interests and a good understanding of natural resources and the local context in which they are managed.
The SSGs provide a mechanism by which limited resources can be utilized efficiently and equitably, SSG volunteers who live in or adjacent to IBAs may include the unemployed, students, farmers, teachers and others, all have a passion for conservation, development and responsible citizenship.
SSGs provide a link between local communities and national institutions such as NGOs, Government agents and researchers. They play a fundamental role by providing an entry point for building local capacity for effective biodiversity conservation, management, monitoring and sound decision-making. They help stimulate sustainable development that addresses local people's needs while conserving their natural resources. SSGs provide a mechanism for self-confidence and empowerment thus allowing people to take control, manage and benefit from their own natural resources and to plan their own livelihoods.
BirdWatch Zambia Conservation Hut - Lusaka National Park
In 2022, Game Rangers International (GRI) opened a unique and immersive Wildlife Discovery Centre in Lusaka National Park. The centre not only provides free conservation education to children but is also the new home of the renowned Elephant Nursery. Fully accessible to all, the Wildlife Discovery Centre welcomes local and international visitors each year to immerse themselves in interactive displays and exhibits that will highlight conservation issues and the efforts to resolve them.
BirdWatch Zambia (BWZ) has an education hut at the Wildlife Discovery Center and through the hut, we showcase different programs currently being run by the organisation as well as raise awareness of bird and habitat conservation in Zambia. This is with an aim to make a significant long-term contribution to the protection of wildlife and wild spaces by showcasing Zambia’s bird species, increasing environmental education and awareness, as well as inspiring greater conservation stewardship to both local and international visitors to the park/Wildlife Discovery Centre.
Both BWZ members and non-members are encouraged to visit the hut and learn about the amazing work BWZ is doing for conservation in Zambia, especially about bird and environmental conservation. There is also room for BWZ members to play a role in this! If you would like to volunteer to do bird-specific talks at the hut on selected days you can contact BWZ on +260211239420, or you can come through to our office, we are at 25 Joseph Mwilwa Road in Rhodes Park Lusaka Zambia.
You can also support us by making donations to support the running of the hut. Find out more here.
Read our school newsletter
Monze-based birder donates to BWZ
A Monze-based birder and member of BWZ has donated 6 pairs of binoculars and 3 pairs of monoculars to be used by primary schools in Monze. Mr. Colin Venters stated that he hoped that the binoculars will be used in environmental education programs by BWZ in Monze’s rural schools, especially the Kayuni area where Zambia’s
Our Environmental Education Supporters